How to get better “faster”
The truth is, how a student approaches their own learning is just as important, or perhaps more so, than methodology or coaching.
Straight Butter(fly)
Adam Wardzinski shared some of his butterfly guard wizardry with us recently, and it was a true honor to have him on the Estilo Jiu Jitsu mats
Levi Jones-Leary Seminar
One of the unique things that we like to do at Estilo Jiu Jitsu is host visits from high-level experts who can share new and different perspectives on BJJ.
Welcoming DC's Newest Black Belts
Promotions are always an exciting time of year, particularly when we have the honor of welcoming two new black belts for the first time under the Estilo Jiu Jitsu banner!
Jon Thomas’ BJJ Principles at Estilo Jiu Jitsu
The common thread at both of the seminars was distance management -- as the guard player you largely want to create distance, while as the guard passer you largely want to close distance.
Does competing in BJJ really matter?
The outcome of competing can be useful data collection. While no one likes to lose, like Malcolm Forbes said: "failure is success if you learn from it".
What should I expect at my first BJJ class?
For many people without any prior grappling experience, BJJ feels like a complete unknown. Actually taking the step to try a class can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.
Where does Jiu Jitsu come from?
There are many narratives out there about the origins of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Lately, more research has been done to fill in some of the gaps, and demystify the history of our sport.
How do I get promoted in BJJ?
The only currency accepted is your “blood, sweat, and tears.” If you train hard, train regularly, and are a good teammate, you will earn your promotion.
Leveling up!
“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” These recently promoted blue and purple belts have persevered through adversity…