What should I expect at my first BJJ class?

For many people without any prior grappling experience, BJJ feels like a complete unknown. Maybe you’ve seen grappling in the UFC, or heard some friends talk about how much they love Jiu Jitsu, but actually taking the step to try a class can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.

So we put together a short list of things that you can expect at our intro class, and what will be expected of you:

  1. Know what you’re getting yourself into!
    Understanding just a tiny bit about Jiu-Jitsu is extremely helpful. Take 5 minutes to read the description on our website, or do a quick Google search so that your expectations are in-line with what we actually offer.

  2. Be an early bird
    Give yourself an extra 10-15 minutes before class begins to arrive, sign the waiver, get changed, and greet other students and your instructor.

  3. Cover those shoulders
    You won’t need a gi at your first class, but you’ll want to wear a shirt with sleeves (short or long). We spend a lot of time on the ground. And the movements of Jiu Jitsu, combined with the material of the mats, can give you an irritating case of mat burn. Shorts, joggers, or spandex tights are all good.

  4. Cleanliness is king (or queen)
    Make sure you and your gear are clean. This is a close contact sport, so the funk can’t be tolerated. And keep those fingernails short too so we can avoid any accidental clawing.

  5. Show respect
    While the atmosphere in most BJJ schools is more relaxed than other martial arts, discipline and basic courtesies are still highly valued. Please address everyone respectfully and avoid using profanity.

Class structure

Our intro classes are typically broken down into three main sections (with water breaks in-between):

  1. Warm ups
    This usually involves movement exercises to get the muscles loose. Some movements will be familiar (like jogging), while others are more specific to Jiu Jitsu and may take some time and practice to figure out.

  2. Technique
    We will give you an overview of the main positions in BJJ (closed guard, open guard, half guard, side control, knee on belly, mount, and back control), and then you will work with a partner on a specific technique that we show you. We’ll include time to discuss the technique and ask questions.

  3. Observation of sparring
    We don’t allow beginners to spar in their first class. For some people this may be frustrating because sparring is where the fun happens! But we believe it is important to first have a good basic foundation in Jiu Jitsu so that when you get the opportunity to train with more resistance, you are equipped to do so with intentional and technical movements (and not injure yourself or your training partner).

And after class, feel free to ask questions, talk to other students, etc. I hope this gives you a good overview of what to expect so that you can enjoy your first class with us at Estilo Jiu-Jitsu!


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