General etiquette.


Please come to class with a positive attitude and a beginner’s mindset, and make new students and visitors feel welcome.

Always address your instructors and fellow students respectfully. Bow and greet your instructor when you enter. Defer to higher-belts when they request you or another student as a training partner. Don’t “call out” a higher-ranking training partner. Be aware when a higher-belt and his or her partner are rolling too close to you and move when possible.

If you are late for class, please ask for permission to participate from the instructor before stepping on the mat. And unless it’s an emergency, don’t leave the mat without notifying the instructor.

Be involved and attentive in every portion of the class (warm up, technique and drilling, sparring). Avoid any discussion or interruption while the instructor is teaching. Raise your hand if you have a question. And stick to the technique being shown by the instructor unless you have been told otherwise.

While we encourage you to study with partners and share your knowledge, please leave all teaching to the instructor or senior students.

Check your ego. Be mindful of the old Judo principle of "Jita-Kyoei" or "mutual benefit": in order to grow and improve, others around you must also grow and improve. The more you invest in the betterment of your teammates (as opposed to acting out of self-interest), the more that will come back to you. And never brag about submitting other students or “winning” in training.

Don’t be a spaz. Focus on moving with skill and technique, not force. Apply submissions with caution and control, allowing your training partner plenty of time to tap.

If you are sitting out or observing class, talking should be quiet and kept to a minimum while class is in session. Refrain from any comments or cheering directed at other students while they are training.

Do not film or photograph class without express permission from the instructor and students.

There is zero tolerance for any form of harassment, discrimination, bullying, violence, sexual abuse, innuendo or sexual misconduct. If you observe or are the recipient of any inappropriate behavior, tell your instructor or a trusted senior student immediately. You can also report anonymously at



Remove all outdoor footwear before stepping on the mat. While removing footwear, refrain from stepping onto non-matted space with your bare feet. Always use footwear in the restrooms.

Remove all jewelry, piercings, and make-up prior to class.

Refrain from changing anywhere outside of the locker rooms. Always wear appropriate attire in common spaces.

Wash your training gear after every class. Keep your toenails and fingernails trimmed and clean. Long hair should be pulled back or braided. Offensive body odor or training gear odor will not be tolerated.

All new training gear must be washed several times before wearing to class to avoid staining the mats.

If you have any type of skin infection, or cold or flu-like symptoms, please be considerate of your training partners and stay off the mats.

If you are scratched during training, please clean and cover the wound and stop the bleeding before continuing. If you notice blood on the mat, please notify your instructor so it can be washed and disinfected immediately.

We highly recommend you shower immediately after class, as this has been shown to greatly reduce the possibility of skin infection. You are welcome to shower before class as well.

Please clean up after yourself both on and off the mat. Restrooms should be kept clean and tidy. Bottles and cans should be placed in the recycling bins and all other garbage should be thrown out. All leftover clothing and gear will be thrown out at the end of the day, while valuables will be kept in a lost and found.